Canberra – Handmade Market

Canberra is so much more than just a city of roundabouts, politicians and weird bus shelters, it’s home to a wonderful creative community, good coffee that rivals those served in Melbourne by bearded baristas and a Handmade Market that trumps all others.

Every quarter Canberra plays host to over 250 independent designers, makers, artisans and gourmet food stalls who flock from all over this big beautiful country to share their work with the discerning Canberrian customers. The sheer volume and quality of handmade makers under one roof attracts crowds of 20,000+ over two days and it’s not hard to see why. The Handmade Markets are a sensory delight and make a great place to shop for unique and handmade Australian pieces.



As designers and makers ourselves (at Tread & Pedals) this is by far one of our favourite markets to attend as both shoppers and stall holders, you can’t say we didn’t warn you, it’s dangerously good! The Handmade Markets are a brilliantly curated event that represents a great diversity of stalls. There’s something for everyone from home-wares, to jewellery, gifts, clothing, food and beverages to art – it truly is a shoppers dream.


For more information about the Handmade Market visit their website:

The next Handmade Market is in June at the EPIC – Exhibition Park In Canberra

Handmade Canberra Market